Visit to the Supreme Court of Justice of MexicoGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Visit to the Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico

Within the framework of the Third International Judicial Forum, a special delegation of the GEAP visits the Supreme Court of Justice in Mexico.

1,200 students at the University Forum “Educating to Remember”Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

1,200 students at the University Forum “Educating to Remember”

En Monterrey, México

El auditorio  principal  “Gumersindo Cantú Hinojosa” de la Facultad de Contaduría Pública y Administración de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, se llenó con mil doscientos estudiantes quienes asistieron al Foro Universitario “El Holocausto: Educando para Recordar”, realizado el 29 de Enero de 2015, y organizado por la Embajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz para recordar y honrar las víctimas del Holocausto de la segunda guerra mundial. La Directora MAE. María Eugenia García de la Peña asistió al evento y la acompañaron distinguidas personalidades del ámbito estudiantil, catedráticos, alumnos y público en general.


More Than 1,500 People Commemorate the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the HolocaustGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
In Mexico, health authorities from the state are grateful for this work BENEFITING THE HEALTH OF MEXICANS WITH THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL BLOOD DRIVE MARATHONGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

In Mexico, health authorities from the state are grateful for this work BENEFITING THE HEALTH OF MEXICANS WITH THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL BLOOD DRIVE MARATHON

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) worked hard throughout the Mexican territory with the 4th International Blood Drive Marathon, achieving recognition form national health authorities for the results obtained from 8,048 sensitized people and volunteers, who came to donate in the different centers designed for that, obtaining a total of 4,612 units of blood, which means health benefits for 18,448 patients at risk. 

The 4th International Blood Drive Marathon is carried out with great successGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
In Mexico: Presentation of the project "Traces to Remember" at the Congress of the State of VeracruzGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace