The CECyTE opens its doors to the first Holocaust workshopGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The CECyTE opens its doors to the first Holocaust workshop

Through the workshop "The Holocaust, paradigm of Genocide", the GEAP and the CECyTE sow in the heart of students the seed of respect for dignity. 

Legal Principles Established for the Discussion of the First Lecturers during the Third International Judicial Forum, Mexico 2015.Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Legal Principles Established for the Discussion of the First Lecturers during the Third International Judicial Forum, Mexico 2015.

With the participation of Puerto Rico, Colombia, El Salvador and Mexico

The first lectures of the International Judicial Forum New proposals for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide” were the Global Ambassador and Activist for Peace Dr. William Soto Santiago; Dr. Luis Ernesto Vargas Silva, president of the Constitutional Court of Colombia; Dr. Oscar Armando Pineda Navas, president of the Supreme Court of El Salvador; and Dr. Miguel Ángel López Aguilar, Judge of the Ninth Collegiate Criminal Court of the First Circuit of Mexico.


Context of International Crimes of the Second Table of the International Judicial Forum, Mexico 2015Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Context of International Crimes of the Second Table of the International Judicial Forum, Mexico 2015

Spain, Colombia and Chile

With the moderation of the important Mexican judge, Dr. Jose Antonio Murguia Rosete, president of the International Law Seminar of the UNAM, the second table of the International Judicial Forum in Mexico was assembled, with the participation of a renowned judge from Spain and president of the FIBGAR Foundation, Dr. Baltazar Garzon; a student from the Universidad de los Andes of Colombia, Camilo Montoya Real; and Dr. Hugo Dolmestch Urra, Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of Chile.


In the Federal Judiciary Institute of Mexico, Inauguration Ceremony of the Third International Judicial Forum New Proposals for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of GenocideGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

In the Federal Judiciary Institute of Mexico, Inauguration Ceremony of the Third International Judicial Forum New Proposals for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

This February 20, 2015, at the Federal Judiciary Institute of Mexico, the Third International Judicial Forum “New Proposals for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”, was opened; fulfilling the objective of the Justice for Peace project, which is carried out by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace.