Liza María Noriega Flores

Coordinadora general del proyecto Revista Brújula  y editora a cargo de la generación y edición del contenido que se publica en las diferentes plataformas.

Consultora principal para Diagnóstico y propuestas institucionales para mejora del Programa Nacional de Alimentación Escolar del Ministerio de Educación.

Redacción y autoría completa de libro de texto y manual del educador para la materia Ciencias Sociales de tercero primaria.

Ana María Figueroa

La Doctora Figueroa se desempeña actualmente como Jueza Presidenta de la Cámara Federal de Casación Penal de la República de Argentina.

Segunda Mesa de la Sesión Judicial de CUMIPAZ 2015Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Segunda Mesa de la Sesión Judicial de CUMIPAZ 2015

La Sesión Judicial de la CUMIPAZ 2015 continuó sus deliberaciones con un tema que está tomando cada vez más relevancia en la política exterior de los países, y se refiere al papel que cumple la Organización de las Naciones Unidas en el mantenimiento de la Paz y la Seguridad de las naciones y entre las naciones.

Second Table of the Judicial Session of CUMIPAZ 2015Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Second Table of the Judicial Session of CUMIPAZ 2015

The Judicial Session of CUMIPAZ 2015 continued its deliberations on a topic which is becoming increasingly relevant in the foreign policy of many countries, and it refers to the role that the United Nations Organization fulfils in maintaining the peace and security of the nations and among the nations, with the participation of four lecturers from Mexico, Brazil, Costa Rica and Argentina. The moderator of the second table was Dr. Gladys Edilma Teran Sierra, Judge of the National Court of Justice from Ecuador.

Yassmín Barrios Aguilar

Doctora en Derecho por la Universidad Mariano Gálvez. Abogada y Notaria Pública de Guatemala, con un periodo de ejercicio de seis años. 

Yassmín Barrios Aguilar

Doctor of Law from the Mariano Gálvez University. Law and Notary Public from Guatemala, with an excersise period of six years. 

Judicial Session: Analysis focused on the relationship of the UN and the International Criminal Court for a Justice for PeaceGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Judicial Session: Analysis focused on the relationship of the UN and the International Criminal Court for a Justice for Peace

Authorities and personalities of important trajectory in the judicial field reaffirmed their commitment to promote justice for national and international peace, through proposals and analysis focused on the topic: "The UN and the International Criminal Court: harmonic interaction, independence or subordination? " through the third workshop during the Judicial Session of CUMIPAZ (Chile 2015).

Percy Máximo Gómez Benavides

Lawyer and Doctor of Law. Degree in journalism and pedagogue.

Lawyer and Doctor of Law, with a Master's Degree in Constitutional Law and Jurisdictional Tutelage.

He also acquired a Bachelor's degree in journalism and pedagogue.

He is a career magistrate, instructor or felony judge, senior and ex temporary supreme member.