
Percy Máximo Gómez Benavides

President First Criminal Chamber of Appeals - Superior Court of Justice of Peru

Lawyer and Doctor of Law. Degree in journalism and pedagogue.

Lawyer and Doctor of Law. Degree in journalism and pedagogue.

Lawyer and Doctor of Law, with a Master's Degree in Constitutional Law and Jurisdictional Tutelage.

He also acquired a Bachelor's degree in journalism and pedagogue.

He is a career magistrate, instructor or felony judge, senior and ex temporary supreme member.

Currently president of the First Criminal Chamber of Appeals in the Judicial Branch of Peru. Principal lecturer at the law school of the National University of San Agustín del Perú.

Author of the works "LA REFORMA POLÍTICA" and "PARLAMENTARY BANKS, Parties and Political Movements in Colombia".


Justice and Democracy Session

He presented during the Judicial Session his lecture: "Proposal for the updating and amendment of the Convention for the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide, the Rome Statute and other correlative regulations".