The 5th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood” supports and contributes in an altruistic way the health of Dominicans.Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

The 5th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood” supports and contributes in an altruistic way the health of Dominicans.

During all the month of June, the volunteers and activists belonging to the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, joined to the 5th International Blood Drive Marathon "Life is in the Blood, which unites different countries with the same altruistic feeling to save lives through the participation in diverse activities that uplift a humanitarian work, compromised to save lives. 

The desire of being “heroes for life” is transcendental in the city of Pereira, Colombia Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

The desire of being “heroes for life” is transcendental in the city of Pereira, Colombia

On Thursday, May 14, 2015, the main streets of the city of Pereira, capital of the Departamento de Risaralda in Colombia, were lighten up with the campaign “Life is in the Blood” which the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) carries out with a parade called “March for Peace”.

Blood Bank thanks the work of Dr. William Soto in Peru, Blood Donation Marathon under the project “Life is in the Blood” Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Blood Bank thanks the work of Dr. William Soto in Peru, Blood Donation Marathon under the project “Life is in the Blood”

In the northern city of Chiclayo, Peru, the Activists for peace carried out a blood donation marathon under the project “Life is in the Blood”, last March 31st, 2015, in the Hospital Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo; which gave 30 effective blood units as result.

30% increase of blood units in Catalunya, SpainGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

30% increase of blood units in Catalunya, Spain

To continue with the mission of creating a culture of regular and voluntary blood donation, the GEAP, with the Blood Bank of Catalunya, installed a mobile unit in the theatre of the Civic Center of San Pedro and San Pablo of the city of Tarragona, last Friday, January 16. 

73.178 units of life were the result of the 4th International Blood Drive Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

73.178 units of life were the result of the 4th International Blood Drive

The numbers of the 3rd marathon of April 2014 were doubled

73.178 units of life were the result of the 4th International Blood Drive

Colombia reached 30.334 effective donations in the 4th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Colombia reached 30.334 effective donations in the 4th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”

Agreements with private companies increased the number of donors


Panama started its national Blood DrivesGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Panama started its national Blood Drives

In Santiago, province of Veraguas

The coordination in Panama of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace with the National Blood Program of this country, started the promotion and diffusion marathons to encourage voluntary blood donations in different public and private universities of the country, starting with the Latin University of Panama (ULP), where 32 effective blood units were collected, from which the Hospital Luis “Chicho” Fabrega de Panama was benefited.

More than 100 cyclists invited the Paraguayan population to donate bloodGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

More than 100 cyclists invited the Paraguayan population to donate blood

Two kilometers were traveled by the volunteers of the 3rd Marathon “Life is in the Blood” and “Lamber Bici” in the city of Lambare, Paraguay, inviting the citizens to participate in the 18 blood drives scheduled in this calling of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace.