The GEAP present in the march "Prevent to continue growing" encouraging a voluntary and regular blood donationGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The GEAP present in the march "Prevent to continue growing" encouraging a voluntary and regular blood donation

The GEAP participated last April 1st, 2015, in the march "Preventing to continue growing”, organized by the Provincial Center of Hemotherapy of Resistencia, dependent of the public health ministry of Chaco, with the project "Do not forget me" of the National Institute of Social Services for the Retired and Pensioned (PAMI), with the purpose of creating awareness in the population of this province, on the importance of being voluntary and regular blood donors.

Activists for Peace began a course for promoters of Blood DonationGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Activists for Peace began a course for promoters of Blood Donation

Resistencia, Argentina

The Activists for Peace in Resistencia, Argentina, began a training course on blood donation in the framework of the project “Life is in the Blood”, of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP).

Argentina Commemorates the International Day in Memory of the Holocaust VictimsGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Argentina Commemorates the International Day in Memory of the Holocaust Victims

Survivor testimonies at the city of Resitencia

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace participated in an event organized by the Jewish. Community in Resistencia, Argentina, where the annual International Day in Memory of the Holocaust Victims, established by the UN on January 27, 1945.