The GEAP presents its program at Expo Health "Celebrating Life"Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

The GEAP presents its program at Expo Health "Celebrating Life"

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in Argentina, participated on the 1st and 2nd of October, in the second edition of Expo Health, with an information stand where the Integral Program was announced: Life is in the Blood.

Argentines receive talks of awareness: Life is in the BloodGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Argentines receive talks of awareness: Life is in the Blood

La Embajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz (EMAP) en Argentina, a través del Programa Integral “En la Sangre está la Vida”, implementa el Programa Educativo Comunicacional para la formación de una cultura de donación voluntaria y habitual de sangre segura PEC VIDA.

16 “pezuña de vaca” plants are planted in Resistencia, Chaco Argentina, in order to conserve the speciesGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

16 “pezuña de vaca” plants are planted in Resistencia, Chaco Argentina, in order to conserve the species

Within the framework of the Project “Children of Mother Earth”, on September 4, 2015, in San Diego, Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina, the volunteers of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) along with Paseos and Jardines, planted 16 false mahogany trees, also commonly called “pezuña de vaca”.

Heroes of the Human Family reached another victory in the 5th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”Global Embassy of Activists for Peace
"Educating to Remember": allows us to identify the alarm signals before a new crimeGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

"Educating to Remember": allows us to identify the alarm signals before a new crime

At the Adult Middle Education Center (CENMA) No. 216 in Cordoba, Argentina, the Global Embassy of Peace Activists (GEAP) presented the "Educating to Remember" Education Forum.

Preparations begin for the 6th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Preparations begin for the 6th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”

Through talks, trainings, advertising posters and visits to the media, the importance of being a voluntary donor was reported. Buenos Aires, Olavarría, Azul, Lomas de Zamora, Resistencia, Chaco, Mendoza and Córdoba, were the cities where the GEAP volunteers informed the community about the 6th International Blood Drive Marathon: "Life is in the Blood", during the months of September and October 2015, for the month of November to start with the blood drives in all the country.