7 Argentinian cities spread the 7th International Blood Drive MarathonGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
278 Argentinians say YES! to voluntary blood donation. Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

278 Argentinians say YES! to voluntary blood donation.

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP), the Hemotherapy Centers and voluntary Argentineans developed, during the month of May, nine blood drive marathons in different provinces, where 278 units of blood were collected as part of the 7th International Blood Donation Marathon, which seeks to create conscience in society about the necessity of a change in the system of blood donation.

The volunteers of the GEAP invite the solidary Argentinians to donate bloodGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
Thousands of Activists for Peace from different countries unite in the global summons of the UN for the future of wildlife. Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Thousands of Activists for Peace from different countries unite in the global summons of the UN for the future of wildlife.

With the theme: “Save the wildlife of our Mother Earth”, thousands of people in Latin America, United States and Spain raised their voices and made convincing actions by executing these Environmental Marches and Parades developed by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP), in unison to the annual summons of the United Nations.

In Argentina it is promoted a culture for life Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

In Argentina it is promoted a culture for life

With a tour through the cities of Argentina, the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP), in March 2016, made a call to the community, to join to the 7th International Marathon “Life is in the Blood”.