
Gonzalo Higinio Carrillo de León

Gonzalo Higinio Carrillo de León

Federal Judge of the Federal Judiciary of México

Circuit Judge currently assigned to the Second Court of the Third Collegiate Court in in Administrative matters of the Fourth Collegiate Circuit in Administrative and Civil matters of the Nineteenth Court of the Federal Judiciary, with residence in Tamaulipas where he serves as President.

In his professional training he notes that he has his Bachelor’s in Law, his graduate degrees in Tax Law and Philosophy, PhD in Law, Post graduate work in Administration of Federal Justice in District Courts, International Human Rights Law, in Juvenile Justice, and in Gender Equality, International Post Graduate work in Criminal Justice Accusatory Systems in Iberoamerica, and in Criminal Comparative Law.

During his career he has held diverse positions in the judicial field, both jurisdictional bodies of common law as in Federal Courts, among them Civil trial judge, District Judge, and Circuit Magistrate.

He also served as technical secretary of the Executive Secretariat of the Judicial Career, Secondment and Creation of New Council Bodies of the Federal Judiciary.

In the academic field he has served as professor, both in the undergraduate and graduate programs, at various universities in the country, amongst the most notable, the Autonomous University of Mexico, Guanajuato University, Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, Anahuac University, La Salle University, the Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences of Northern Baja California. He has also worked as professor and guest lecturer at the Law School of the Autonomous University of Chiapas, based in San Cristobal de Las Casas, at the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Guasave and Culiacan campuses, at the Autonomous University of Yucatan, at the Matamoros and Reynosa campuses of the Valle del Campo University, at the Xochicalco University,  at the Autonomous University of Northern Baja California Ensenada campus, and at the Veracruz campus of the Cristobal Colon University and the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, these last two based on the Cooperation Agreement of the Supreme Court’s Legal Cultural Center.

He has been a professor and lecturer in the Legal Cultural Centers mentioned in over twenty-five states of the Republic and the Institute of the Federal Judiciary, extensions Ciudad Victoria and Reynosa Tamaulipas.


Justice and Democracy Session