Doctor in International Studies of Peace, Conflicts and Development of the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón (Spain).
Researcher of the Interuniversity Institute of Social Development and Peace (IUDESP) of the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón (Spain).
Latest two publications: Human journalism: alternative model of news construction in immigration information? In Communication and Democratic Regeneration, eds. Ramón Zallo and Andreu Casero. Castellón de la Plana: ULEPICC-Universitat Jaume I of Castellón, 2013 and Economic crisis in Spain, speeches and immigration: rethinking prejudices and stereotypes. In Migrations and culture of peace: educating and communicating solidarity.
Chile (2015):
Participated during the Education Session, in the second table: "The contribution of the Chair for Peace in the formative process of the integral human being."