Senator from Bolivia receives bill of blood donation
In an act held in the Plurinational Legislative Assembly of Bolivia, in the city of La Paz, the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) handed over the Bill for the Promotion of Culture of Voluntary, Altruistic and Regular Blood Donation Segura, to the president of the Commission of Social Policy, Education and Health of the Chamber of Senators, Ciro Zabala.
The Bill has among its main objectives the strengthening of the national blood supply system and its components, to replace the system of blood donation by replacement, by a voluntary, altruistic and usual system.
The initiative supports the goal set by the World Health Organization (WHO): to achieve 100% of blood donations voluntarily by 2020.
Socialize among citizens
Senator Ciro Zabala indicated that it is necessary to socialize the project among the citizens through continuous work so that the population recognizes the importance of being a blood donor. "It is necessary that we all be activists for peace," he said.
"We believe that blood is life, so it is important to always donate blood. For that reason, we must fight to make it safe, and that has many special characteristics that must be legally respected. Today I believe that the socialization of this bill is fundamental so that in a short time Bolivia has a culture of blood donation ", emphasized Zabala.
María Eugenia Pareja, dean of the Faculty of Humanities of UMSA
Committed authorities
The representative of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Pablo Castellón, delegates of the Dr. Ovidio Aliada Uría Children's Hospital, members of the WHO, representative of the Red Cross, María Rosas Mamani, and senators of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.
The dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the UMSA, María Eugenia Pareja, and the vice-dean of the same faculty, Mirka del Carmen Rodríguez, as well as the representative of the Caja Petrolera de Salud, David Portugal Vera, also made an appearance. other authorities.
Life is in the Blood
The GEAP since 2013, through the Integral Program "Life is in the Blood", has performed international blood donation marathons in Bolivia and other countries where the corporation has representation; In turn, it has been developing awareness and education activities on altruistic action, through the Communicational Education Program PEC VIDA.