An action that strengths solidarity and love for othersGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

An action that strengths solidarity and love for others


The participation of voluntary donors has increased through the blood drive Marathons.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), blood is the most valuable gift one can offer another: the gift of life. This is why the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) though the International Project “Life is in the Blood” promotes a culture of voluntary, altruistic and regular safe blood donation, with the strong intention of stocking the blood banks, to help the human family.

Shaping heroes that donate the sap of life

The GEAP in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, on August 31 of 2015, under the framework of the 6th International Blood Drive Marathon, carried out a marathon in the Regional Hospital of the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores (ISSSTE), where the citizens decided to be heroes by donating their blood to save lives.

The Chief of the Regional Hospital, Dr. Juan Garza; the Executive President of the GEAP, Dr. William Soto; Gabriela Lara, General Director of the GEAP; Dr. Francisco Guerra, National Coordinator of the GEAP, likewise, the General Secretary of the Syndicate ISSSTE Roberto Gomez; Dr. Francisco Mata, Delegate of the IMSS and Dr. Gilberto Montiel, Medical Subdelegate of the ISSSTE assisted to this event.

Working to strengthens a culture that practice solidarity

The Chief of the Regional Hospital, Dr. Juan Garza, in his participation expressed his gratitude to the personalities present. He also gave Dr. Soto a recognition, for the work the GEAP carries out in favor of humanity, through the project “Life is in the Blood”.

On the other hand, Dr. William Soto Santiago in his intervention said:

 “Different sectors of society like government institutions, public and private companies, universities, schools and media, have worked to strengthen a culture that practices solidarity and love for others in favor of the health of the human family, showing love for others to help increase the quality of life essentially”.

In the same way, Soto manifested that an effort can be made in unity, to be an example to other countries, and carry out the message of hope and life to every corner of the nation, to promote a culture of voluntary and regular blood donation and thus 100% safe for all Mexicans.

Active participation which gave positive outcomes

Dr. Francisco Gonzalez, Sub-secretary of Disease Prevention and Control from the Health Secretary recognized that thanks to the unity of the civil organizations and the GEAP, with the execution of the International Marathons, the participation of the citizens in this sector as voluntary donors has increased.

A total of 62 effective units was the result of a marathon carried out, an amount that increases in each activity that is carried out for the wellbeing of the people which require this vital liquid, this action allows that the local blood bank is stocked.