National Encounter “Children of Mother Earth” – Guatemala Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

National Encounter “Children of Mother Earth” – Guatemala

An encounter based on the respect for Mother Earth, was held on July 7, 2016, at the Iximché - Tecpan Archaeological Site and Ceremonial Center at the Chimaltenango municipality department, in Guatemala, epresentatives of indigenous people from around the country gathered in response to the invitation made by the Global of Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) to continue with the meetings framed within the International Program "Children of Mother Earth".

The GEAP promotes the 5Rs towards a reduction and recycling awareness in the Island of EnchantmentGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The GEAP promotes the 5Rs towards a reduction and recycling awareness in the Island of Enchantment

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) celebrated the World Environment Day (June 5th), with environmental educational workshops that focused on the 5R's of recycling, to contribute to the formation of an awareness of reduction and reuse of solid waste. 

“Ciudad Feliz” continues receiving instruction in environmental valuesGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

“Ciudad Feliz” continues receiving instruction in environmental values

Within the Program "Children of Mother Earth" of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP), educational lectures on the 5R's and the Universal Rights of Mother Earth were given at the Mar del Plata Municipal Elementary School Nº 15, in the 6°A and 6°B classrooms de Mar del Plata en Argentina; in response to the invitation made by professor Eugenia Girala.

Fourteen ethnic groups of the Orinoquía and Colombian Amazon region presented their environmental proposals at the 4th Regional Encounter of the Children of Mother Earth.Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Fourteen ethnic groups of the Orinoquía and Colombian Amazon region presented their environmental proposals at the 4th Regional Encounter of the Children of Mother Earth.

#GEAPNews On June 5,  200 brothers from fourteen ethnic groups of the Orinoquía and the Amazon region of Colombia shared their ancestral knowledge about caring for the Earth and presented their environmental proposals in the 4th Regional Encounter of the Children of Mother Earth, organized by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP).

The GEAP held a “Unity of Environmental Management” training workshop in Zacatecas, MexicoGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The GEAP held a “Unity of Environmental Management” training workshop in Zacatecas, Mexico

The auditorium of the Zacatecano Board of Science, Technology, and Innovation (Cozcyt) was the place where more than 150 people received lessons, whose objective was to inform the participants on the mechanisms and guidelines that the Federal Government manages through the UMA program.