Proposals for adapting to climate change were presentedGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
sesion ciencia en parlatino

Proposals for adapting to climate change were presented

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Four lectures were presented by experts on the subject of climate change

CUMIPAZ 2017 - Science Session - Dr  David Vollmer | GEAP

David Vollmer | Table 5 - Science Session, CUMIPAZ 2017

The nutritional and supplemental evolution to improve the quality of life of the human being.

Maria Luisa Castaño | Production of renewable energies to preserve life on Mother Earth
CUMIPAZ 2017 - Science Session - Dr. Rollin McCraty | GEAP

Rollin McCraty | Table 4 - Science Session, CUMIPAZ 2017

The initiative of Global Coherence: Which is, what is its importance and what role it plays in creating a better world.

CUMIPAZ 2017 - Science Session - Dr. Avner Adin | GEAP

Avner Adin | Table 2 - Science Session, CUMIPAZ 2017

Reuse and recycling of water as efficient alternatives for the preservation of life.

Sr. Herman Huisman | innovative techniques in the use and treatment of solid waste
Ing. Jaime Collado | Holistic recovery of bodies of water as essential resources of life

Ing. Jaime Collado | Holistic recovery of bodies of water as essential resources of life

Thank you, good morning, everyone. I thank you for your presence today. I have allowed myself to prepare a Power Point presentation so that you can follow along.