The day has arrived: Music for the peace and happiness of the integral human being on the webEmbajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz

The day has arrived: Music for the peace and happiness of the integral human being on the web

At the end of the countdown of the #YouDeserve Campaign, the global promotion of the project will begin on September 6th, to position music as an instrument that allows values to be sowed in the individual, sow in their heart a culture of peace and improve their quality of life, harmonizing the human being integrally with themselves and Mother Earth.

Global launch of a new musical system for peace and the development of the integral human beingEmbajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz

Global launch of a new musical system for peace and the development of the integral human being

The international project “The Power of Music of the Peace and Happiness of the Integral Human Being” begins its presentation and promotion this September 6th.

The initiative is promoted by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) as a change in the paradigm of the musical system, to contribute with the promotion and strengthening of the peace and integral development of the human family.

The project seeks to raise awareness in individuals and societies on the importance of producing and listening to music with positive messages; music that contributes to the formation in values, ethical, moral and spiritual principles in present and future generations.



CUMIPAZ 2016 will offer a Peace Integration Symphonic Concert during the Inaugural Gala

The event will benefit the renowned Orchestra of Recycled Instruments of Cateura, which will enliven the night along with the Symphonic Orchestra of the GEAP 

«Music is a power that transforms societies…» Dr. William Soto, executive president of the GEAP.


The International Youth Encounter "Music bringing peace and happiness to our hearts" has ended successfully

The International Youth Encounter "Music bringing peace and happiness to our hearts" has ended successfully

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En el último ciclo del Encuentro, los jóvenes participaron activamente de las temáticas que se desarrollaron a lo largo del día. Los talleres de capacitación del ultimo día estuvieron a cargo del profesor Osmín Rodríguez y de los Lic. Martín Franco y Williams Romero.

The International Youth Encounter “Music Bringing Peace and Happiness to Our Hearts” ends with Great Success.Embajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz

The International Youth Encounter “Music Bringing Peace and Happiness to Our Hearts” ends with Great Success.

During the last section of the Encounter, youths actively participated in topics that were developed throughout the day. On that last day, Professor Osmin Rodriguez, Martin Franco and Williams Romero were in charge of the training workshops.