Universal justice: analysis by Judge Morrison from the ICC during CUMIPAZ 2016 Embajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz
Embajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz

Democratization of the UN, classification of ethnocide and politicide: proposals of CUMIPAZ 2016

International Public Law and the International Criminal Law were the judicial approaches that the second panel of the Justice and Democracy Session of CUMIPAZ 2016 was based on, with the objective of generating “Proposals for the democratization of the UN, the elimination or rationalization of the right to veto, and the classification of politicide and ethnocide”. 

Juez de la Corte Penal Internacional considera el apoyo de la EMAP: promover la adhesión al Estatuto de RomaEmbajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz

Juez de la Corte Penal Internacional considera el apoyo de la EMAP: promover la adhesión al Estatuto de Roma

Durante las sesiones de la Cumbre de Integración por la Paz CUMIPAZ 2016, Antoine Kesia Mbe-Mindua, juez de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) consideró el apoyo de la Embajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz (EMAP) para promover la adhesión al Estatuto de Roma de los Estados que no son parte, con el fin de alcanzar más ratificaciones para que la Carta sea genuinamente universal.

Judge of the International Criminal Court considers the support of the GEAP: promote the adhesion to the Rome Statute Embajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz

Judge of the International Criminal Court considers the support of the GEAP: promote the adhesion to the Rome Statute

During the session of the Peace Integration Summit CUMIPAZ -2016, Antoine Kesia Mbe-Mindua, judge of the International Criminal Court (ICC) considers the support of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) to promote among the States that are still not a part of the Rome Statute, to adhere to it, in order to achieve more ratifications for the Charter to be genuinely universal.

Dr Antoine Kesia Mbe Mindua

Dr. Antoine Kesia Mbe-Mindua - Justice and Democracy Session (CUMIPAZ 2016)

"Article 16 of the Rome Statute, it's impact on the independence and autonomy of the International Criminal Court." - Antoine Keshia Mbe-Mindua -Judge of the International Criminal Court. El Congo