The National Polytechnic Institute, home of the First Seminar - Regional ALIUP WorkshopEmbajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz

The National Polytechnic Institute, home of the First Seminar - Regional ALIUP Workshop

Under the theme "Challenges of Higher Education in Human Development and Society. Contribution of the Chair for Peace in the formation process of the integral human being", the Global Embassy Of Activists for Peace (GEAP) held the Seminar - Workshop for Universities and Institutions of Higher Education in Mexico City, Tuesday May 31, 2016 at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), at the premises of the Interdisciplinary Professional Unit of Engineering and Social and Administrative Sciences (UPIICSA).

First Seminar Workshop “Contribution of the Chair for Peace in the Formative Process of the Integral Human Being”Embajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz

First Seminar Workshop “Contribution of the Chair for Peace in the Formative Process of the Integral Human Being”

The First Seminar Workshop was held at the facilities of the National University of Itapúa (UNI), the city of Encarnación-Paraguay with the topic “Contribution of the Chair for Peace in the formative process of the Integral Human Being.”

Universidad Vasconcelos de Tabasco firma su membresía de ALIUPEmbajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz

Universidad Vasconcelos de Tabasco firma su membresía de ALIUP

La Universidad Vasconcelos de Tabasco (UVT) y la Alianza Internacional Universitaria por la Paz (ALIUP) firmaron Convenio de Cooperación en la ciudad de Paraíso, el 20 de abril con el objetivo de trabajar en forma conjunta en favor de la cultura de la Paz en el mundo, con pleno respeto a las leyes e instituciones del país.

14 universidades se dan cita en el I seminario ALIUP desarrollado en PanamáEmbajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz

14 universidades se dan cita en el I seminario ALIUP desarrollado en Panamá

En la Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología (UMECIT), bajo el proyecto ALIUP se llevó  a cabo el Primer Seminario Internacional “Desafíos de la Educación Superior en el Desarrollo Humano y la Sociedad” 

14 Universities come together in the First Seminar of the ALIUP carried out in PanamaEmbajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz

14 Universities come together in the First Seminar of the ALIUP carried out in Panama

At the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology (UMECIT), under the project ALIUP, the First International Seminar "Challenges of Higher Education for Human and Society Development", was carried out. 

First International ALIUP Seminar in BoliviaEmbajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz

First International ALIUP Seminar in Bolivia

Within the framework of the objectives proposed by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace through the International Alliance of Universities for Peace - ALIUP, the First International Seminar was held in Bolivia focused on the “Challenges of Higher Education In Human Development and Society - Values ​​in the Development of Professional Competences” on April 7, 2016 in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.