Moderator: JuanManuel de la Cruz
Apolinar Rodriguez Piñeo Supreme judge of the Judicial power of Peru. Ambassador of goof will for the OAS for environmental justice
Rafael Fernández Valverd is also a member of the environmental justice committee of the Iberoamerican Summit
Rafael Fernández Valverde Vocal of the General Council of the Judiciary - Supreme Court Judge
Luis Armando Tolosa Villabona magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice.
HE. Daniel Guevara Cortés Minister President of the First Environmental Court.
A very strong problem judges have is the fear that they have to solve environmental problems and to fail beyond what is requested
Objective of the Justice and democracy meeting is to strengthen justice as a generator of peace
Contribute to the establishment of permanent security for the human family is part of the objective of this session
Ambassadors, judges and distinguished environmental promoters in the Justice and democracy Session
Los especialista del área judicial presentaron sus ponencias con el objetivo de impulsar la justicia ambiental como un valor generador de paz.
Specialists of the judicial area presented their lectures with the aim of promoting environmental justice as a value generator of peace.