Antoine Kesia Mbe-Mindua


Licenciatura y maestría en derecho; Derecho privado y penal.

Título universitario superior obtenido después del máster en Derecho y Política Europea (Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures).

Luis Leonardo Almagro Lemes

Luis Almagro Lemes was elected Secretary General of the OAS on March 18, 2015, with the unanimous support of 33 of the 34 Member States, with one abstention. In assuming the leadership of the OAS, he announced that one of the main axes of his administration will be "more rights for more people" and that he will work to bring the Organization closer to the new reality of the hemisphere and thus contribute to guaranteeing more democracy, More prosperity for all.

Juan Carlos Borrero

Recognized internationally for his scientific innovations; Lecturer invited by the Scientific Congress of Gothenburg. CEO & Founder AGUA SOLUTEC (2015).

At the moment he holds the world patent of a technology of treatment of salt waters, technology that advanced an agreement with Unicef.

He managed the implementation of a pilot project for the conservation and reforestation of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Serranía del Perijá, using native tropical forest mutual technology.

Vielka Jaramillo de Escobar

Doctor in Education Sciences, Master in Research and Technology, Licentiate in Nursing Sciences, specialist in Applied Statistics and Higher Education.

She teaches in undergraduate, specialty, master and doctorate courses at the University of Panama, and postgraduate courses at the Specialized University of the Americas.

She has participated in constituent meetings of the Network on Internationalization and Academic and Scientific Mobility of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), MEXICO.