International Judicial Forum “New Proposals for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,” Argentina – Dr. Julio César Pineda – 2nd Moderation

International Judicial Forum “New Proposals for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,” Argentina – Dr. Julio César Pineda – 2nd Moderation

Well, Dr. Rafecas, Holocaust education requires us to work in this sense, and as he said: study it in each of our realities to see which laws, how we can typify it, also as said by Ambassador William Soto, what is the reality in each country.

That is why it is very important right now, also the conversation we will be having, or exposition of Luis Ernesto Vargas Silva. Honorable President of the Constitutional Court in Colombia.

In Argentina: Opening ceremony of the Second International Judicial Forum at the University of Buenos AiresGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

In Argentina: Opening ceremony of the Second International Judicial Forum at the University of Buenos Aires

Convened by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, experts in the areas of international criminal justice, genocide, terrorism and violation of human rights, meet again in an academic and legal framework, to lecture, review and create a course of action in order to give continuity to the project "Justice for Peace" promoted by Dr. William Soto Santiago.

Welcoming of the International Judicial Forum in ArgentinaGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Welcoming of the International Judicial Forum in Argentina

The warmth and hospitality of the Argentines were widely expressed during Sunday evening, November 16, in which lawyers, academics, journalists, writers and peace activists from America and Europe enjoyed a spectacular evening, as the preamble of the Second International Judicial Forum "New Proposals for the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide", organized by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In the Province of Corrientes in Argentina the “Night of Broken Glass” was commemoratedGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
The 4th International Blood Drive Marathon is carried out with great successGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
Argentina Is The Host For The International Judicial Forum On Genocide And Human Rights

Argentina Is The Host For The International Judicial Forum On Genocide And Human Rights

Specialists in the areas of International Criminal Justice, Genocide, terrorism, violation of human rights, among others, from ECUADOR, COLOMBIA, BOSNIA, ISRAEL, PARAGUAY, VENEZUELA AND ARGENTINA form the delegation of academics, judges and jurists who will come to Buenos Aires, Argentina, this November 17, as the International Judicial Forum lecturers invited by the Global Embassy Activists for Peace in the framework of international project "Justice for Peace".