UAGRM Professor Honoris Causa



On Friday July 12, 2013 University officials of Universidad Autonoma Gabriel Rene Moreno in Santa Cruz, Bolivia gathered in a solemn ceremony to bestow upon Dr. Soto the title Professor Honoris Causa in recognition of the he has carried out as a humanist, an activist for peace and in favor of the human family.

"Let us proceed to sing the sacred notes of our national anthem."

"Let us also sing the national anthem of Puerto Rico."


Ezequiel Paniagua Banegas. Dean of Faculty of Public Accounting

“I feel very happy, I feel honored to have you all here, especially Dr. Soto. We are truly proud to have him here with us, I believe it is very important... a person who has dedicated his entire life to spreading peace, and serving humanity, and I believe that is the path we should all follow.”


Joel Lara Medrano, Global Embassy of Activists for Peace Coordinator in Bolivia

“Traces to Remember is a project promoted by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, initiative of its Global Ambassador, Dr. William Soto Santiago. Its objective is to keep alive the testimony of Holocaust survivors as a way to prevent the reiteration of the most sinister chapter in human history, in which nearly 20 million people were killed, including six million Jews.”


Camilo Montoya Reyes. Member of the Project Development Council of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

“His life’s devotion to research and his tireless work in favor of peace, make Dr. Soto a proactive researcher, whose theory on the importance to educate mankind with respect for diversity minimizes violence with projects that achieve positive results at an international level, and contribute to the building of a more just and peaceful society.”


Within the framework of the project Traces to Remember, Dr. William Soto presented the syllabus for the subject: The History of the Holocaust, which will be included as a case study in the Faculty of Public Accounting.


Dr. William Soto, Global Ambassador of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

“Hitler carried out the Holocaust in one of the most advanced nations of its time; therefore, education with values is one of the key instruments to prevent another genocide.

If universities do not do something to prevent the propagation of intolerant and discriminatory ideas and attitudes against any group, whether it be a minority or not, they are becoming accomplices of those who commit such crimes.

When the Holocaust is carefully studied a profound feeling of its complexity is acquired and we become aware that the events do not have a simple explanation but are the result of the convergence of multiple historical, economic, religious and political factors that must be studied; at the same time this helps to understand that the prevention of genocide and massive atrocities can start by identifying the warning signs.

Honorable professors, where did the Holocaust originate? In the mind of Hitler and his collaborators. It is in the mind where ideas are originated that produce great inventions and scientific and technological advances, but it is also there, in the human mind, where genocidal acts have originated, which can be avoided through an education centered on respect for human dignity, and constitutional values and principles.

And as a university professor, what are you doing to prevent another genocide? The honor to the answer of this question is in your hands.”


After the presentation of the case study, the Resolution was read, and the distinction granted by the rector of the University, Saul Benjamin Rosas Ferrufino. 


Miguel Antonio Sorich Rojas. General Secretary of the Faculty of Public Accounting

“In its definition of Professor Honoris Causa, Article 8 states that it is the academic distinction bestowed by Universidad Autonoma Gabriel Rene Moreno to outstanding personalities in the academic, scientific or cultural field, whose contribution make them worthy of this honorific title. Recipients of this title must be people whose contributions in science, culture or arts, possess regional, national, and international recognition.”

“At this moment the highest authority of Universidad Autonoma Gabriel Rene Moreno, Rector Saul Rosas bestows Resolution 025/2013, and the Professor Honoris Causa medal to Dr. William Soto Santiago.

We want to remind you that this event is being broadcasted live to the entire Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia.”


The investiture ceremony was carried out with the assistance of major academic and consular authorities, and was broadcasted by the University channel.


Saul Rosas Ferrufino, Rector of Gabriel Rene Moreno University

“This is undoubtedly a transcendental event for the University community. On behalf of the entire University community of professors, students and administrative staff, Dr. Soto, I want to award you this recognition, which you deserve... He is a global figure who works for something that is so fundamental: peace. In these difficult times, in these times in which living in peace is always complicated, there is a well-known person in the world who is permanently striving for something so important."