In their hearts, everyone has the desire to live and help others live; and in their veins, they have the way to do soGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

In their hearts, everyone has the desire to live and help others live; and in their veins, they have the way to do so

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace has found in voluntary blood donation a way to connect people from different countries, joined in solidarity to improve the quality of life of millions of patients, ensuring an adequate and reliable supply of safe blood. 

During the months of October and November the 2nd International Blood Drive took place in 20 countries, yielding thousands of volunteers and collecting 30.123 effective blood units, ready to be used in medical centers. 


According to the WHO, only 25% of blood supply is collected from voluntary blood donors, while the remaining 75% is collected from families and paid donors.  Currently, these donations are not meeting the demands of blood banks. 

There is a constant need for regular blood supply because blood can only be stored for a limited time before use.  Regular blood donations are essential to ensure that safe blood will be available whenever and wherever it is needed.


To achieve a culture of regular blood donations it is essential to promote solidarity among peoples and nations, understanding that the human being is giving love and hope to those who depend on blood as they depend on oxygen.

Even without knowing who will benefit from the 500 milliliters of blood donated, donors can save up to four lives with a single blood donation, because blood components can be used individually after being separated into red blood cells, platelets and plasma.


30,123 effective blood units were collected through the 2nd International Blood Drive, carried out in 20 countries:


Argentina (592), Bolivia (1,681), Brazil (4,058), Colombia (12,387), Costa Rica (610), Chile (554), Ecuador (1,565), El Salvador (380), United States  (149), Spain (1,898), Guatemala (272) , Honduras (91), Mexico (1,728), Nicaragua (293), Panama (129), Paraguay (875), Peru (731), Puerto Rico (267), Dominican Republic (20) and Venezuela (1,843).

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace would like to thank all the volunteers who participated in the 2nd International Blood Drive, including the professionals, secretaries, social workers, nurses, musicians and entertainers who helped create an atmosphere of solidarity, joy and fellowship among those who donated the sap of life.


The 3rd International Blood Drive: Life is in the Blood, is scheduled for the month of April, 2014, in the same participating countries. If you are interested in becoming a regular blood donor or belong to an entity that wishes to join this initiative, please contact the coordinator in your perspective country.

If you wish to register your organization for the next international blood drive, please contact: for more information.

Find out the requirements needed to become a blood donor.