Association of graduates FACDYC: Towards a Legal Culture for PeaceGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Association of graduates FACDYC: Towards a Legal Culture for Peace


Graduates of the FACDYC of the UANL and A.C., sign an agreement with the GEAP

At the "ATRIUM" Business Club, hall of social events of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon,  Mexico; Graduates of the Legal and Criminology Faculty (FACDYC) of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) "Mr. Jose Alejandro Treviño and Gutierrez" A.C., met with the firm conviction of signing a collaboration agreement with the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP).

Gracing the event, the deputies of the XXIV Legislature of the Honorable Congress of the State: Samuel Garcia Sepulveda, Hector Garcia Garcia, Jose Arturo Salinas Garza, Hernan Salinas Wolberg, Eustolia Gomez Garcia, Eva Margarita Gomez Tamez; also, Francisco Javier Guerra Gonzalez, National Coordinator of the GEAP in Mexico.

Within the program "Justice for Peace", initiative led by Dr. William Soto Santiago, Executive Director of the GEAP: Seeks to review, update and modify the legislations of different countries, with the aim of strengthening the administration of justice for peace, clarify the scope and promote respect for human dignity, presumption of innocence and Human Rights; as well as the recognition and respect for the rights of the victims to the truth, justice, repair and the guarantee of no repetition.


Guerra Gonzalez thanked the Association of Graduated of the FACDYC on the UANL, for opening this collaborative effort with the GEAP:

"We know how important it is to be able to establish a link of collaboration with all social actors, to the extent that participation takes place, and the responsibility assumed by each of us in society is how we are going to lay groundwork for that change that our society longs for," he expressed.

In gratitude to Guerra Gonzalez and the GEAP for the signing of the agreement; Norma Escamilla Villagomez, President of the Association of Graduates of the FACDYC of UANL "Mr. Jose Alejandro Treviño and Gutierrez" A.C., mentioned in her speech:

"It will undoubtedly result in multiple benefits for all members of our organization, for all graduated lawyers and consequently, our community. That is why we have decided to create a collaborative bond between us, to fully or partially reciprocate our respective social objectives for the benefit of our sponsors, so that this will lead to an improvement of the legal culture towards society in general and consequently, to the permanent establishment of the longed for social peace."

                After the signing ceremony, the event ended, concluding that this Act will set a precedent in history and for future generations.


access_time Thursday, January 19, 2017