Argentinians implement in different provinces of the country PEC-VIDAGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Argentinians implement in different provinces of the country PEC-VIDA

Voluntarios de EMAP unidos, trabajan en diferentes provincias sensibilizando a la población sobre la donación voluntaria de sangre.

The National Judicial Forum “Human dignity, presumption of innocence and human rights”, a space to think and discuss about conflict, victims and public managementGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
Argentinians celebrated the National Voluntary Blood Donor Day Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Argentinians celebrated the National Voluntary Blood Donor Day

November 9th, was declared the National Voluntary Blood Donor Day in Argentina, in commemoration of Dr. Luis Agote, who practiced for the first time, in the year 1914, the technique of blood transfusion. According to the law 25,936, which expresses that it is important to create awareness in the population to include this practice as a regular, voluntary, solidary and anonymous act, destined for the benefit of those who need it.



We, citizens of the world, participants of the Peace Integration Summit, CUMIPAZ, initiative carried out by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace, from November 3rd to the 7th, 2015, in Santiago, Chile, have worked on a consensus Declaration ...

Global Ambassador of Peace presents the CUMIPAZ 2015 DeclarationGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Global Ambassador of Peace presents the CUMIPAZ 2015 Declaration

The Peace Integration Summit ended its sessions with the reading of the Chile CUMIPAZ 2015 Declaration, headed by the CEO of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP), Dr. William Soto Santiago, in the Hall of Honor, of the former National Congress of Chile. 

Second Day Session at CUMIPAZ 2015Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Second Day Session at CUMIPAZ 2015

Education for peace is the common goal that brought together rectors, deans, professors and academic authorities in America and Europe in the former Congress of the Republic of Chile, for the development of the Educational Session of the Peace Integration Summit, CUMIPAZ 2015.