Volunteers of the GEAP in Argentina promote the Integral Program “Life is in the Blood” Global Embassy of Activists for Peace

Volunteers of the GEAP in Argentina promote the Integral Program “Life is in the Blood”


En cinco ciudades del país se enseña la importancia de donar sangre

Under the framework of the 7th International Blood Drive Marathon which its part of the Integral Program “Life is in the Blood”, the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) carried out, during April, activities in 5 different Argentinian cities, to promote the strengthening of the voluntary, regular and altruist blood donation culture. 


The Program “Life is in the Blood” is based on human principles and values, such as love, in order for blood donation to become a solidary, civic and responsible act; under the educational principles of the Global Ambassador of Peace, Dr. William Soto Santiago. 

To sow this seed of love for others, the Activists of the GEAP went to various touristic points of each city with costumes, speakers, informational brochures, among others; to communicate upon society the importance of doing this beautiful act of selflessly donating blood. 

Just like in Mendoza and Resistencia, every Saturday of the month the leaders of the Program, stood on the sidewalks to contact future donors and invite them to participate in the marathons that will be carried out during the Seventh International Marathon. 

In Maipú, the campaign “Life is in the Blood” had a special welcome from behalf of their habitants, who actively participated in the blood drive marathon directed by the Regional Hemotherapy Center of Mendoza, on April 6th, in the Plaza Departamental. It was attended by elementary schools and personalities, such as Dr. Ricardo Miatello, coordinator of the Maipu Sanitary Policies, and Dr. Lidia Noemi Robledo, president of Rotary Maipú. 

Resistencia, Olavarría and Posadas celebrated the International Health Day, date appointed by the World Health Organization (WHO), on April 7th, with actions towards strengthening general health care by emphasizing the slogan of the present year “Preventing diabetes is possible”. The GEAP joined the celebrations by promoting blood donation. 

At the Central Plaza of Resistencia, the event was organized by the presidency of the Municipal Council and the Blood Bank; the volunteers of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace promoted the blood drive before different schools that took part of the lectures given on this and other themes, such as organ donation. 

In Olavarría, the celebration was promoted by the Municipal Hospital Dr. Hector Cura at Paseo Mendia, through various informative healthy diet stands, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), first aid, vaccines, dengue prevention, food transmitted illnesses, physical activities for senior adults, control and prevention of diabetes; and of course, the GEAP contributed with the diffusion of an altruist blood donation culture. 

On the streets of Posadas, the Activists were seen teaching the citizens the importance of this act of love, and invited the neighbors to join the next Blood Drive Marathon. 

The closure of the monthly activities was carried out on the 26th, with the blood drive marathon that was developed in Escuela N°28 with the group “No me Olvides” and representatives from the Faculty of Rights. Reinforcing among people the importance of being solidary blood donors and helping those who need it the most.