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2356 Elements of News, Videos, Galleries and Speeches.

David Proenza
Good afternoon, I want to thank God for being here before you to speak about “Vertical Farm in controlled environment”. I would like to thank Dr. Lara and her team for making it possible to be here.
Personalities developed their papers under the theme Scientific and ancestral contributions for the preservation of human life.
Vera Bohórquez
Well, it’s going to be difficult after such a real experience, to talk about more theoretical topics; but life is of the two things I think.
Oscar Fernando
[Greetings in Inga dialect] Good afternoon everyone. I am the Taita governor of the Indigenous Cabildo Inga, I am in Bogota, we are from Putumayo; and we are going to speak about Mother Earth.
Specialists developed three themes in the fourth parallel table "Comprehensive health for peace, happiness and preservation of life".
3º mesa sesion ciencia
Panama | access_time October 16 2017
Four lectures were presented by experts on the subject of climate change
Panama | access_time October 16 2017
The nutritional and supplemental evolution to improve the quality of life of the human being.
María Luisa Castaño
Thank you, moderator of the Session, table companions, participants in the CUMIPAZ 2017 Session.
Panama | access_time October 16 2017
The initiative of Global Coherence: Which is, what is its importance and what role it plays in creating a better world.
Panama | access_time October 16 2017