The International Program Children of Mother Earth is an environmental social intervention program created by Dr. William Soto Santiago and carried out by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP), with the aim of contributing solutions, promoting and efectuating concrete actions that guarantee the continuity of human life and of other living beings in harmony with Mother Earth, based on love and compassion for her, a sustainable development, strengthening the rights of indigenous peoples and the responsible participation of the entire human society.

The main purpose is to acheive the GLOBAL RECOGNITION OF MOTHER EARTH AS A LIVING BEING and HER RIGHTS in order to protect, care and contribute to the preservation of the ecological and environmental equilibrium of Mother Earth, in harmony with humans and other living beings.

EDr. William Soto Santiago, executive president of the GEAP, has expressed the following in various international, political and academic scenarios:

“Mother Earth is alive. Mother Earth is a living being. This is not a new concept. Our indigenous peoples in different continents believe it to be so; that is why they care for her, protect, respect and honor her. Mother Earth was born free, humans did not create her, we were created by her; that is why we are called to fraternally behave with our Mother Earth and other living beings.

                So what are we, the peoples of the world, waiting for to recognize, respect and protect the rights of our Mother Earth? She, just as she has life, has her own cycles and natural laws. The paradox is that Mother Earth has been subjected to decisions or unscrupulous actions of human beings, we must be called to subject ourselves to these laws, because Mother Earth existed first and the human being comes from it”.

"The commitment of humanity with the rights of our Mother Earth" Conference of Dr. William Soto Santiago before the Confederation of Parliamentarians of the Americas (COPA), San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 2015.


The commitment of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace is to work for the peace of the human family and of Mother Earth, and to help restore the bonds of love and harmony with her and with other living beings.

On this basis, the GEAP will be an intermediary to involve all parties every sector of society in the  consolidation of this commitment.



General purpose

Contribute to the worldwide efforts for the recognition of Mother Earth as a living being and the proclamation of the constitution of her rights, responsibly involving all sectors of human society through social, political, legal and indigenous participation, for the establishment of a solid governance and universal environmental justice, the consolidation of an environmental education and culture system, the strengthening of the rights of Indigenous Peoples, the mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and the preservation of the ecological balance and the environmental peace of Mother Earth.

Specific objectives

  1. Work for the worldwide recognition of Mother Earth as a living being and the proclamation of the constitution of her rights, as the basis for the establishment of a solid governance and universal environmental justice, for the legal and political support of all actions oriented to the protection, preservation and defense of Mother Earth and all its systems: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biodiversity and the human family.
  2. Design a training method with the principles of Dr. William Soto Santiago's educational theory, universal values and ancestral indigenous knowledge and understanding, for the training of communicators and environmental educators that contribute to the establishment of a culture for the environmental peace of Mother Earth.
  3. Strengthen the rights of Indigenous Peoples through activities that promote their rights and involve them with all sectors of society, for the construction of bridges of fellowship, communication and inter-mediation between them, governments and the civil society, in the search for the establishment of the peace of the Indigenous Peoples.
  4. Establish mechanisms and actions of the civil society for the preservation of the ecological balance of Mother Earth and its harmonious relationship with human beings and other living beings.
  5. Support effective actions that are designed to curb climate change, through the dissemination and participation in all political, legal and civil actions aimed at mitigating and adapting human beings and Mother Earth to the consequences of climate change .



To fulfill the objectives of the International Program Children of Mother Earth, the projects, campaigns and actions designed were classified, within the framework of four work areas: 

  1. Governance and universal environmental justice.
  2. Education and culture for the environmental peace of Mother Earth.
  3. Strengthening the rights of Indigenous Peoples.
  4. Construction of the environmental peace of Mother Earth.