Oscar Vallarino B.

Óscar Vallarino, holds the position of Vice President of Corporate Management, Panama Canal Authority (ACP); administers and manages the formulation, execution and follow-up of the Corporate Strategy; manages corporate measurement programs, management indicators and corporate performance index, as well as the programs of Innova Canal, Social Responsibility and Corporate Volunteering.

Robert Ramón Acevedo Quevedo

Degree in Accounting Sciences, graduated from the Universidad Ntra. Sra. De la Asunción. Bachelor of Science in Sciences and Literature Rosenstiel College, Promotion: 1983. He participated as a student of cultural exchange by the AFS in the years 1983-1984 in the city of Salem, Capital of the North American State of Oregon.

Political activity

Orencio Vásquez Oteo

Obtained the Diploma of research sufficiency in the doctorate program Growth and Sustainable Development, taught by the University of Distance Education (UNED).

He held the position of Associate Professor of Business Administration and Management, in the subject Financial Systems at Carlos III University of Madrid for 11 years.

César Ernesto Salazar Grande

Degree in Legal Sciences with higher education in the Council of the Spanish Judicial Power. He was Legal Adviser to the General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (SICA), and is a member of the list of arbitrators for the US Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

Professor of the Masters of Business Law, Administration and Finance; He was a professor of postgraduate courses in Regional Integration, Vocational Training Centers, and universities in Spain, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Chile.

Augustino S.L. Ramadhani

Bachelor of Law with a master's degree in International Law; After training in the Military Academy of Tanzania he was promoted to second lieutenant, and reached the rank of general of brigade; he has a Degree in Theology; He held the position of chairman of the Supreme Court of Zanzibar.

He served as Appeal Judge for the United Republic of Tanzania, Judge of the East African Court of Justice, assumed the vice presidency of the National Electoral Commission in the United Republic of Tanzania, and served as chair of the SADC Executive Council.

Fátima Morales

She is currently the president of the Paraguay Global Pact Network of the United Nations, the Farmacenter S.A Chain and the Paraguayan Chamber of Pharmacutical Chains.

She also holds the position of President of the Federation of Equestrian Sports of Paraguay, as well as the Supervisory Committee of the Paraguayan Olympic Committee (COP). She is a member of the Fédération Equestre Internationale Solidarity.

Ana María Ortíz Villalba

President of the Paraguayan Association of Executives and Professionals



Sonia Elizabeth Cortéz de Madríz

Degree in Legal Sciences, Attorney and Notary Public, judicial collaborator of the Second and Third Criminal Courts of El Salvador; Public defender assigned to different courts; General coordinator of Defenders of the Republic.

She served as an auditor attached to the Fifth Criminal Court; Served as head of the Judicial Audit Department; Also as coordinator in the Area of ​​Investigation and Control of Judges of Peace, in the Department of Judicial Investigation.

Andrés Emmanuel Bautista

He was born on December 25, 1978, in the Municipality of Moca, Province Espaillat. Son of  Andrés Bautista García and Nuris del Carmen Taveras de Bautista.  Graduate in Business Administration from the Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago (UTESA).

In 2010, he obtained the Candidature for Deputy of the Republic, for the Province Espaillat, being the second most voted on, on National Level.

Currently, he is the Secretary General of the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) of the Municipality of Moca.

Rubén Pacheco Inclán

Especialista en Derecho de Amparo de la Universidad Panamericana. Maestro en derecho procesal penal por el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales. Actualmente es presidente de la Barra Interamericana de Abogados de México.

Obtuvo el master internacional en Sistemas Educativos para la Enseñanza del Derecho Andragogía en el Real Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé y Santiago en Granada, España. También, master internacional en Derecho Comparado en la Universidad de Almería.

Héctor Alejandro Canto Mejía

Héctor Alejandro Canto Mejía es viceministro técnico de Educación del Ministerio de Educación de la República de Guatemala. Coordinador de sede del Programa Académico de Desarrollo Profesional para Docentes en EFPEM/USAC.