Estados Unidos presente en la 4ta. Maratón Internacional de Donación de SangreGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Estados Unidos presente en la 4ta. Maratón Internacional de Donación de Sangre

Varias ciudades se unieron al proyecto “En la Sangre está la Vida”

Ocho ciudades de los Estados Unidos fueron escogidas por la Embajada Mundial de Activistas por la Paz para realizar la 4ta. Maratón Internacional de Donación de Sangre “En la Sangre está la Vida”, en coordinación con la Cruz Roja americana, Oklahoma Blood Institute, Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center, Carter Blood Care, South Texas Blood Tissue Center y United Blood Services, con lo cual se alcanzó la cifra de 525 unidades efectivas en este país.


United States was present during the 4th International Blood Drive MarathonGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

United States was present during the 4th International Blood Drive Marathon

Numerous cities joined the campaign “Life is in the Blood”.

Eight cities in the United States were chosen by the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace to carry out the 4th International Blood Drive, “Life is in the Blood”, in coordination with the American Red Cross, Oklahoma Blood Institute, Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center, Carter Blood Care, South Texas Blood Tissue Center and United Blood Services. 525 effective blood units were obtained in this country.