Chair for peace and universal values, transversal axes of education programsGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Chair for peace and universal values, transversal axes of education programs

The GEAP and the Juárez Autonomous University of Tabasco (UJAT) signed a collaboration agreement under the International Alliance of Universities for Peace. 

Municipal Presidency in Reforma, Chiapas and the GEAP sign collaboration agreementGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Municipal Presidency in Reforma, Chiapas and the GEAP sign collaboration agreement

Signing of a collaboration agreement between the The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace and the president of the municipality of Reformas de Chiapas.

University forum forms individuals to work for the peace of the human familyGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

University forum forms individuals to work for the peace of the human family

University forum carried out by the GEAP in the Universidad del Norte, Monterrey campus, México, forms human beings to work for peace.

The GEAP: Fair for the restoration of the resources of Mother EarthGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The GEAP: Fair for the restoration of the resources of Mother Earth

Mexico participates in a Fair for Peace organized by the GEAP to carry out actions in favor of the protection of Mother Earth.

National Judicial Forum: Promoting the Protection of Human RightsGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

National Judicial Forum: Promoting the Protection of Human Rights

More than 320 people attended the National Judicial Forum "Human Rights and its Implementation in Mexico"

It is necessary to encourage ethical, moral, and spiritual values to prevent a deed such as the holocaustGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
Students participate in dialogue regarding Resolution 60/7 Holocaust RemembranceGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace