International Judicial Forum

International Judicial Forums

Justice for Peace


International Judicial Forums:  

 “New Proposals for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”


Hamas is holding the Palestinian people hostageGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Hamas is holding the Palestinian people hostage

The Rome Statute of 1998 is the international instrument created by the International Criminal Court (ICC) that defines the gravest crimes against human rights and international humanitarian law.

AnnouncementGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace


As Global Ambassador for Peace, I express my condolences and solidarity to the families of the Isaelis Gilad Sha'ar, 16 years old; Eyal Yifrah, 19; and Naftali Frenkel, 16, who were kidnapped by terrorists on June 12, in Cisjordania, and whose bodies were found this past Monday afternoon without life in a pit in Hebron.

"Life is in the Blood" 3rd International Blood Donation Marathon ReportGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

"Life is in the Blood" 3rd International Blood Donation Marathon Report

In 47 days, through a campaign which included 329 blood drives in more than 150 cities across Latin America, the United States and Europe, the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace once again called on activists and volunteers, seeking to promote a culture of voluntary and regular blood donation as the foundation of all national blood systems.

Places where the 3rd International Blood Donation "Life is in the Blood", is being carried outGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace