The GEAP participates in the Green Light recycling campaign with educational conferencesGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

The GEAP participates in the Green Light recycling campaign with educational conferences

In order to raise awareness on the importance of recycling the Green Light campaign was carried out, in the community of Azul, Buenos Aires, where the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in Argentina participated in educational conferences on "The 5Rs".

The GEAP continues fomenting a culture of voluntary and habitual blood donationGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace
3rd workday for an adequate child education in Early Childhood DevelopmentGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

3rd workday for an adequate child education in Early Childhood Development

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) was invited to participate in the 3rd workday of Early Childhood Development-Growth, organized by the Municipal Health Center of the city of Tres Arroyos, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Elementary school children received training on the ecological rules of the 5R’sGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Elementary school children received training on the ecological rules of the 5R’s

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) in Argentina received a request from the Andino School Nº 145-P of Mendoza, to give speeches to elementary school students.

Activists for peace gather at the 5th edition of Tree WeekGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Activists for peace gather at the 5th edition of Tree Week

At the headquarters of the Argentine Federation of Municipalities (AFM), in the autonomous city of Buenos Aires, the 5th edition of Tree Week (SDA) was carried out, campaign that was created in 2012 and unites more than 150 institutions of the country.

Dinner show benefiting the GEAP in OlavarríaGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace