Educate to prevent the violation of human rights in the Dominican RepublicGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Educate to prevent the violation of human rights in the Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic
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During October, the Educational Workshops “Educating to Remember” were held in the southern region of the Dominican Republic, to continue promoting the teaching of ethical, moral and spiritual principles and values; the reflection and the practice of actions of respect for human rights in order to prevent the violation of these.

The Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP), visited two educational centers in San Cristóbal province where they developed different topics with students, based on the study of the history of the Holocaust and other genocides, highlighting that these events left universal teachings that must be transmitted to present and future generations to form human beings who actively work for the peace of the human family.

Dinámicas educativas.

Educational dynamics.

136 students from the Juan Pablo Pina School and 57 students from the Adult Education Center "Fray Sebastián", along with teachers and directors of the institutions, participated in the workshops given by a team of activists for peace in the country. The themes addressed were:

  • Human rights and fundamental values ​​in social coexistence.
  • Cases of violation of human rights.
  • The Holocaust: background, causes, stages and consequences.
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • Warning signs that precede the violation of human rights.

The students participated by presenting real cases and examples of violations and violation of human rights. Through graphic and audio-visual material presented by the activists, the students reflected on the topics discussed and concluded on the importance of living applying the values ​​and principles for a harmonious coexistence and for the strengthening of a culture of peace in society.

As a result of the workshops, the students presented peace proposals (134 approaches), which will be evaluated in order to select the ones that will be applied and will be given timely follow-up.



access_time Monday, October 15, 2018