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269 Galleries.

Mexico | access_time February 23 2018
Donación en universidad
650 people sensitized was the result of the activity carried out under the Integral Program In the blood is life.
Argentina | access_time February 05 2018
jornada de donación
El Centro Regional de Hemoterapia de la ciudad de Mendoza en conjunto con la EMAP captó la donación de sangre de 59 donantes voluntarios.
Registro de donaciones
Around 118 effective blood units were collected in December in Olavarría, Córdoba and northern Buenos Aires.
Coordinador EMAP
Donation day November 23 and 30, with the blood bank of the hospital "Dr. Jorge Mazzini Villacorta "in Sonsonate, El Salvador.
El Salvador | access_time November 24 2017
Stand informativo.
Campaigns of the GEAP in the 10th international blood drive marathon and through PEC - VIDA in October and November
Personas informadas.
Volunteers of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace held blood drives in different parts of Argentina under the 10th International Blood Drive Marathon.
Unidad de donación.
The GEAP and CETS carried out several blood drives, which were of great impact for the student community.
Bolivia | access_time September 29 2017
Importancia de donar.
In Bolivia, a campaign on the formation of an altruistic and habitual culture of blood donation covering different social areas, was carried out.
Bolivia | access_time September 26 2017
Proyecto de Ley
La entrega del Proyecto de Ley tuvo lugar el 26 de septiembre de 2017 en el Salón Andrés Ibáñez de la Asamblea Legislativa de Bolivia.