Conclusiones de las Salas paralelas en el hemiciclo.
Alimentos Ancestrales: Materias Primas para Empaques Biodegradables
Visión indígena sobre la producción y consumo de alimentos para la vida.
At the headquarters of the Parlatino in Panama, the Session that sought to visualize climate change at a global level was held.
From Texas, Dr. Maruthi Balaji Bhaskar arrived to contribute his knowledge in CUMIPAZ
Amadeo Martínez participated in the table on behalf of the Central American Indigenous Council
Mariam Wallet, president of the 16th UN Permanent Forum of Indigenous Peoples, present at table 3
Hannah Jurado, a NASA researcher and scientist, spoke on current climate change in the world
María Luisa Castaño, spoke about the production of renewable energy to preserve life on Mother Earth.
The conversation united the scientific vision with the ancestral beliefs of the indigenous peoples.
Three simultaneous tables were developed during the afternoon, in the Science Session
Attendees at the table were able to share their doubts and ask the speakers
Specialists contribute their knowledge in the 3rd table: New proposals to curb the impact and adaptation to climate change.
Cuatro ponencias fueron presentadas por expertos sobre el tema del cambio climático.