20 Days of “Educating to Remember” Forums in Resistencia, Chaco, ArgentinaGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

20 Days of “Educating to Remember” Forums in Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina

With the support of the Chamber of Deputies of the province of Chaco and the Municipality of Resistencia, the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace in Argentina, carried out the forums “Educating to Remember” at the city’s Dome, from April 10 through April 30.

Inauguration of the monument "Traces to Remember" in the public square of Cuidad de las EsculturasGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Inauguration of the monument "Traces to Remember" in the public square of Cuidad de las Esculturas

As part of the "Traces to Remember" project, the plaque of Holocaust survivor Irene Schwimmer Korytnicki was installed next to the Holocaust Memorial in the plaza the 9th of July, which contains the families and her palm prints.

12 Argentine Cities joined the 3rd MarathonGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

12 Argentine Cities joined the 3rd Marathon

During the month of April, 12 cities of the country held this successful campaign that the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace carries out with the slogan “Life is in the Blood”.

Commemoration of Holocaust Victims held at the Monument to Humanity in ArgentinaGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

Commemoration of Holocaust Victims held at the Monument to Humanity in Argentina

January 27, 2014

The Commemoration of the International Day in memory of the victims of the Holocaust was held at the Monument to Humanity in the city of Resistencia, Chaco.