National Discussion of the Disciplinary Jurisdiction in ColombiaGlobal Embassy of Activists for Peace

National Discussion of the Disciplinary Jurisdiction in Colombia


In an event organized by the Judicial Branch of the Public Power of the Republic of Colombia, the National Discussion of the Disciplinary Jurisdiction was carried out on July 28th and 29th, 2016 in Santiago de Cali.  

In the Dann Hotel, the assistance of the city mayor, the governor of the department of the Valley of Cauca, and the president of the Disciplinary Jurisdictional Courtroom of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, was registered.

Accountability within the Formation Plan of the Judicial Branch for 2016

Magistrates of the Disciplinary Jurisdiction Courtroom of the Judiciary Superior Council, held the accountability before the country, an event that was transmitted by the Institutional Columbian Channel.

National realities on guardianship actions, gender perspective, judges of peace, lawyers, proficiency conflicts, and justice assistances, were some of the topics addressed during the discussion.

In this same session the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace (GEAP) participated, who was invited to lecture on global issues and the current social crisis.

The typification of ethnocide as a necessary contribution for world peace, was the topic addressed by Dr. William Soto Santiago, the executive president of the GEAP.

In his discourse he called upon magistrates, jurists, and legislators of Columbia to work upon the typification of ethnocide as genocidal behavior, at the same time, to recognize, defend and protect the rights of indigenous people as autonomous communities, with identity and millenary traditions.  

«To threaten the identity of indigenous people is to threaten their fundamental right to exist, to possess their own culture and that a strange culture is not imposed upon them» -Dr. William Soto.